naclogoNAC LPT LLC (NAC LPT), a subsidiary of NAC International Inc. (NAC), is a leading provider of nuclear materials packaging and transportation solutions to the nuclear industry.

NAC LPT (for Logistics, Packaging and Technical services) expands NAC’s capabilities beyond packaging and transportation of high-activity nuclear waste and spent fuel, by adding a wider array of equipment and experience in logistics, packaging, and technical services for hazardous and low-level radioactive waste materials.

NAC’s combined engineering, licensing, and packaging experience, together with the waste management handling and logistics experience of NAC LPT, will ensure seamless collaboration to meet customer needs. NAC LPT can support dismantling, decommissioning, and remediation projects regardless of waste types and class.

NAC LPT operates with an NQA-1 Quality Assurance Program. Decades of Experience in Packaging, Logistics, and Optimized Intermodal Transportation.



NAC LPT offers best-in-class service and equipment to energy, environmental remediation, waste management, and hazardous materials industries by providing rail, truck and marine transportation, packaging products, intermodal containers, and technical services to properly manage, contain, and ship waste and hazardous materials, no matter how they were generated—whether from decommissioning, site closures, remediation projects, municipal generation, or manufacturing production processes.