Waste Packaging Product Overview
NAC LPT’s original founders pioneered the development, testing, and certification for many types of innovative containers and flexible packaging systems used in the waste industry today. They introduced the DOT-certified IP-1 intermodal waste container in the 1990s built under an NQA-1 quality program and capable of shipment by rail, truck, and marine.Other innovative designs include large-capacity intermodal containers, with and without lead shielding. These can be transported by rail and truck, and they can be expanded to use flexible packaging for environmental restoration projects of all types.
Our hands-on experience in packaging wastes of all types and forms will work to your advantage when choosing the proper container or package for the project. We sell and lease the following types of containers and packaging systems.

Metal packaging products available in various DOT and International certifications:
- Intermodal containers of various types, sizes, and configurations.
- IP-1 certified intermodal container with one-piece, removable hard lid.
- IP-1 certified intermodal roll-off container with rolling hard lid.
- Open-top intermodal containers with tarp top.
- Custom-manufactured metal packages for large objects and oversized shipments by truck, rail or marine.
- Standard and custom-configured ISO cargo containers for waste packaging, storage, shipment, and disposal.
- Intermodal burial containers. Shipping containers that are designed and built for the project’s requirements so they can be shipped to disposal compliantly with their contents.
Flexible Packaging — Available in various DOT and International certifications
- Flexible packaging in various shapes and sizes for packaged or drummed waste materials, or for bulk waste.
- Custom-sized and shaped bags for large objects or oversized shipments.
- Roll-off containers with either hard lid or tarp tops.
- Intermodal Vacuum Containers

Consulting Services
The appropriate packaging system improves efficiency and safety, while reducing costs.Our consulting services draw upon decades of experience in developing and providing packaging solutions that work extremely well. We collaborate with you to determine your project’s parameters and identify the proper packages and modes of transport for your waste streams.
Our expertise comes from our success in revolutionizing how the wastes at the site of a decommissioned nuclear power plant were packaged and transported for final disposition. We introduced specialty IP-1 certified intermodal containers manufactured and certified for use in the industry.
As a result, NAC LPT’s founders changed the industry’s use of small metal boxes loaded with size-reduced material to containers that are 500 percent larger and reusable. By reducing handling requirements and sizing of materials, these measures significantly lowered project costs.
In turn, success with these new containers helped accelerate cleanup of many major sites. At the same time, they provided the sites and contractors with significant cost savings and improved safety and ALARA benefits.
Today you can choose the correct container or other packaging product to achieve your project’s goals.
Some of our services include:
- Waste material characterization review and consultation services to choose the correct packaging option for your specific project requirements and the transportation methods to be employed.
- Strategic planning that considers the best, most cost-effective packaging and transport options, so these are engineered into the project or process operation design. This ensures they aren’t added later as an afterthought.
- Container and packaging design and supply services for custom shapes, shielding requirements or for use with a specific purpose or design feature.
- Sourcing and supply of the required packaging or containers, including:
- Metal Containers
- Intermodal Containers
- Cargo Containers
- Flexible Packaging
Products Leasing and Sales
NAC LPT has unparalleled experience in the packaging and containerization of wastes, enabling us to supply custom-tailored packaging solutions to fit your specific needs.We have a growing fleet of new, purpose-built, intermodal shipping containers available for use. We lease and sell all types and sizes of containers and packaging products, including intermodal waste containers, cargo containers, flexible packaging, and specialized or custom-built containers for radioactive, hazardous, non-hazardous and municipal solid waste materials.
The DOT certified IP-1 intermodal container that we sell and lease is ideal for soils, sludges, concrete, construction and demolition debris, metals, and other bulk or packaged material.
We also offer equipment financing and lease-back programs designed to meet the needs of those that require intermodal containers and/or rail cars for longer-term projects and prefer to lease the equipment, rather than tying up capital long term.
Assistance on any size project is available. Contact us for a no-obligation analysis of your requirements.
Intermodal Container Solutions
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Liquid Packaging Solutions
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Flexible Package Solutions
Flexible packaging solutions have been used successfully in a variety of projects for thousands of shipments and on-site applications.LEARN MORE
Gondola Railcar Lining
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Wraps and Overpacks
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