Rail Tank Car Solutions for Liquid Materials

Rail Tank Car edit

NAC LPT provides the following options for packaging bulk liquids.

Intermodal Tank Containers

  • A tank container offers the most versatility for transport of your liquid cargo. It can be transferred between truck, rail, and marine conveyance without off-loading the contents.
  • Tank containers are available in various sizes with many types of linings, heating systems, and loading or off-loading configurations to meet your specific requirements.

Our Technical Service support will ensure that you have the correct container for your materials’ characteristics.

Rail Tank Cars

  • A rail tank car offers the most efficient method of safe and economical transport of your bulk liquid materials.
  • Through our transload network, we can use rail tank cars to ship materials anywhere that rail and truck service exist.
  • Rail tank cars are available in various sizes with many types of linings, heating systems, and loading or off-loading configurations to meet your specific requirements.
  • Our Technical Service support will ensure that you have the correct tank car for your materials’ characteristics.